Here’s a demo of the MVP of an app I created and called SIMMA (for SIMilarity MAtching).
Beginning of 2018, I had already developed the matching algorithm as my capstone project for Udacity’s Machine Learning Nanodegree. I decided to serve it as an API with Python Flask and to create a mobile app with Ionic 2 to be cross-platform.
At this point I had a pretty good grasp of Python but zero knowledge of Javascript !!
Warrior mode: ON 💪
March 16 → March 28 : API development, discovered + implemented MongoDB
March 29 → April 10 : Learned Javascript
April 11 → April 17 : Learned Angular, Typescript & Ionic
April 17 → May 10 : Developed the app
The app version shown in the video is a bit older, though the only difference is the added “import from meetup” feature and a different hosting provider (GCloud vs. AWS).